Youth Program

Dissection lesson by Mary Lou GripshoverOn this page you will find information and resources about the American Daffodil Society Youth Program. Youth membership is available for young people through the age of twenty years old. Youth members receive bi-annual youth newsletters in addition to all quarterly issues of the Daffodil Journal.

Many local societies include a section in their daffodil shows that are exclusively for youth exhibitors. The American Daffodil Society provides three youth award ribbons to these shows for the best youth collection of five, the best youth vase of three and the best youth bloom. The ADS Youth Committee selects one variety each year as the ‘Brooke Ager Challenge Ribbon’ variety. Shows may include a class for all youth to enter a bloom of the year’s selected variety to compete for the Brooke Ager Challenge Ribbon.

The Youth Award for Outstanding Achievement funds one 10-Year Membership in the American Daffodil Society each year for a qualified Youth member who meets the Youth Award criteria.  The criteria for this award is the first link listed below.

Below are links of youth projects.  First is information about ADS Youth award followed by a daffodil biology dissection lab, complete with drawings and written instructions.  For the younger set, there is a collection of fourteen coloring sheets, one for each division and one with all divisions.  Educators find these coloring sheets very popular.